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MDT technologies GmbH

Papiermühle 1
51766 Engelskirchen

The road to us

The fastest way to reach us is via the A4. Take the exit "Engelskirchen", turn left onto the L302 and follow the road for about 4km. Attention: The entrance to MDT is in a curve!

Show address in Google Maps



Support hotline: +49 2263-88109
RMA: +49 2263-88113

E-Mail: support(at)

Sales: +49 2263-88505

E-Mail: knx(at)

Our KNXperts are available for you: Monday – friday, 8am to 4:30pm

Work at MDT

Do you have a passion for building automation and products that still need to be developed? Then you are just right for us. Join the KNXperts team!



Our management team is made up of pros in the sector, who together have almost a hundred years of professional experience in building automation.

News and press

Stay up to date – information for media representatives and news from the company can be found here.

3D configurator

Virtual worlds – what do the MDT push buttons look like on the wall, and how does the glass range fit into your room? You can test it out here in our 3D configurator.

Person in front of a notebook computer

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